Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Did you know that lions fuck 50 times a day? Ballin.

This is part three to adore...

{(Adore pt. 3)}
..."Laura? Are you still awake?"
I lifted my head up, rather startled that there was a voice in my room other than my own at such a late time. I looked toward the doorway and saw a small scared looking girl with bright red and yellow hair.
"Hayley... Are you okay?"
"Um, I'm sorry but everone is already asleep and I really need to go now, and I didn't exactly know what to do and I don't have my lisence with me and I though tha...."
"Hayley, calm down, just breathe a sec. Whats the matter? You need to go where?" She made me really nervous the way she was talking so fast. She seemed really upset and there was fear in her eyes.
"I just, can you take me to the hospitol please?"
"The hospitol! Are you cut?! What happened?" I didn't realize at first that I was shouting a little loudly. Understandable because that's pretty startling unsetteling news ya know. I jumped outta bed and hurried her out of the room checking for any visible cuts on her trying to figure out what happened on the way. I grabbed the car keys off the hook and practically ran out the door with Hayley. We slammed the car shut and the wheels were in motion before either of us were tightly secure in our seats.
"Laura, slow down a little bit, ya don't wanna make it worse."
I let off the gas so that I was only speeding a few miles per hour over the speed limit. I kept glancing at her past my right shoulder trying to read her face. She was so tiny in even the small seats of my beatle. She looked like a toddler who had done something wrong and was now sitting in the corner, thinking about what they did. Her pasty sillhouette was just noticeable by the ocasional street lights flooding the car with beams of a sickly yellow.
"Ya know, you still haven't told me why we're going the ER at 2:30 in the morning."
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to wake anybody and cause them troub-"
"Hayley, if you're hurt you can deffinately wake people up so they can take you to the hospitol. People do care about you, I'm sure they woudln't mind making sure you're okay. What even are you hurt from."
We slowly stopped to wait at a red light and I turned a bit to face her in the car. She was staring at the glove compartment, probably wondering whether or not she should tell me what the big dilema was. I stared her down and she looked me in the eyes and sighed admitting defeat. There was no way she was just gonna hide it anyway.
"I started... bleeding a little bit."
I leaned back. You're kidding me.
"Hayley, you're a girl that sorta thing hap-"
"But I'm pregnant."
I looked back at the road and concentrated on my solitude night driving. Gripping the steering wheel a little bit tighter than necessary. Neither of us said anything for the rest of the drive there. We both sat in akward, heavy silence until the car came to it's final destination. I turned back the key and slid it out of the ignition. Still not saying anything to one another we opened our doors and quickly walked through the rotating door of the ER. I looked at Hayley for the first time since she told me what was wrong. She had a few tear streaks glistening off of her cheekbones. I held her hand and she jumped. She looked at me and gave a weak smile of appreciation. At the moment it was all I could do to comfort her. We sorted out all of the minor paperwork and