Monday, April 12, 2010

World Behind My Wall Part 4

Finally. Sorry I suck at continuing stories Marissa. And spelling for that matter.

{Bill's POV}

"Marissa was just so embarassed about what happened a week ago. Still. Just because her freind flipped shit over nothing really doesn't mean she should be so ashamed. Personally I'm proud. Is it really that wrong to be happy I had sex with the girl I love? Really, really good sex." He felt bad reanting to his brother about his relationship with Rissa but hey, he asked what was the matter with him. He'd been so overly interestind in their matters as of late.

"I'm sure she'll come around eventually. From what I hear she sounds like a wonderful girl. Plus, you two really seem to love each otehr so..." Bill looked at his twin brother questioningly. What made him so concerned? He never cared this much. In fact, the two brothers never really talked about their relationships at all. Not even when Tom's girlfriend Petra left him for another man. It was a pretty untouched subject since Tom had gotten so depressed about the matter. Bill still worries about him from time to time. He just wanted for his brother to be happy and to move on.

"Tom listen..." Bill started hopign he wasn't diving too far into things. "Are you okay talkign about this? I mean I know you've felt very hurt since Petra left you. But you did cheat on her. I'm not saying that it exuses her infidelity or hurting you, just that both parties are guilty. And plus, it was like three years ago and you still haven't dated anyone else. I can tell you have issues with me finally having a loving girlfriend too. I just. I don't want any of this to come between us."
"Well, I think it's nice of you to be concerned for me and all, but seriously... I'm fine with you having a girlfriend and I'm so glad you do." Bill searched for sarcasm in his voice. Not sure if his brother was being sincere or not. "Before you met Marissa, you moped around every day with what seemed like little purpose in life. And now you practically act like a fucking balarina, dancing around all the time. She saved you man." Tom gave Bill a weak smile to encourage his brother's acceptance to his words.
"Thanks Tom. Sorry I uh, questioned you like that." The two brothers smiled at each other. They were both so close, and girls had strained their relationships before. But Bill was determined to never let that happen again.
"Well I gotta go do this shit. I'm sick of them not talking. Really. Damn girl drama." Bill said standing up and fumbling around with the keys to his car.
"Yeah, whatever." said Tom walking off to his bedroom to do whatever really. Bill headed up to the stairs and out the door. He took his time walking across the front lawn to his broken down lumina. "Jumbie" he and Marissa joked about the name of the car. They both loved Jumbie though she was so old and rusted and if you didn't hold the ignition for just the right amount of time you needed to jump her. He walked around to the drivers side door and yanked the hot metal handle open. Plopping down into the overstuffed seat, he stretched his legs out, took a deep relaxing breath and placed the key in the ignition. On his way over to pick Marissa up, Bill prepared himself for what he was going to do. She probably wouldn't be too happy with him at first. But, it was for the best. He just couldn't stand to see her unhappy in any way. That's why he was planning to 80's sitcom this shit and get the girls back to being friends again. Then Marissa would be less stressed and Bill could rest easy again knowing that his girl could too.

"MEINE LEIBE!!!" Bill watched as Marissa rushed over to him. She hugged him and leaning up on her tip toes, reached for a kiss. Bill smiled and leaned forward and gave her a sweet kiss. Embracing her tightly, he enjoyed her perfume. It was like being in a field of orchids. Being the romantic that he was, he couldn't get enough that heavenly auroma.

"Hallo schones" (supposed to have an umlaut on it.) He said stroking her hair. He admired how her German had been improving. It was amazing having her speak his language to him. Just as cute as he knew she thought his speaking english incorrectly and improving was.
"What do you want to do today?" Asked Marissa excitedly and Bill felt guilty about his plan now. He usually took Marissa somewhere romantic and they had the best times, but today something needed to be sorted out.
"Well. I was thinking we could go out to eat. How does that sound?" Marissa nodded in agreement. Bill grabbed her hand and lead her out the doorway. "Awesome. Shall I just surprise you?"
"Of course Bill." She smiled sweetly up at him following him eagerly out of the door.

Marissa's laughter filled Bills car all the way to the resturaunt he had told Steafene to meet them and continued to fill every crevice inside the tiny "lincoln log" building. He hated to end the sound of her joy but he felt that at least small warning might be best.
"Marissa. Please don't hate me."
"Hmm? Why would I hate you?" He watched her head on a swivel, scanning the room. She stopped at a table, her mouth slightly ajar. Sitting there at a round table in the back was Steafene with her head hung twideling her thumbs.
"Bill! How could you even. You know I'm upset still. I don't want to talk to her!" She said pleadingly with not so subtle hints of anger in her voice. He frowned when she pulled her hands up to her temples, trying to rub away the instant headache she felt.
"Please Marissa. Just talk to her. I'll be here if you need me to be. She's sorry and says that she wants to apologize for what she did." He hugged her comfortingly trying to pull the negativity from her, starting to regret this entire idea.
"Will you just giver her five minutes? Please?" He looked into her eyes pleading for her to just try. It was worth it.
"Fine." She sighed heavily. "Five minutes. But then we're leaving. I'm serious." Marissa hastily walked over to the table where Steafene sat, arms crossed and deadly look on her face.
Bill had become quite intimidated very quickly. Hopefully this would go well. He thanked God in his head quickly for giving him long legs. If a fight broke out bad enough that he couldn't stop, at least he could get away from the line of fire as fast as possible.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Second Wind

Okay it really really has been such a long time since I've written in this blog. I say that alot haha. Babysat my nephew this weekend :) He's adorable. And he refuses to stop asking about Laura haha. I swear he's in love with her. News flash. She's too old for you!!! That's a bit of an old photograph but whatever. The red was pretty sweet. I'm still not used to lighter hair yet and whenever I get around to bleaching it again I'm gonna have to get used to an even brighter colour haha. Let's not even talk about how weird the pink will be.

Spring break was great fun... But It's kinda bittersweet trying to enjoy my time tonight knowing I have to go back to the hell hole tomorrow. I'll probably just lose track of time like always and go to bed so late that I won't even feel like I'm there tomorrow haha. Fortunately I accomplished a few things that I had wanted to do over break. Like reading some really good books and getting to write a little bit. I met with a couple counselors from LCC and Protege academy. The guy from LCC gave me about a novel worth of boring papers to read over. Joy. It's' the most intimidating stack of pamphelets I've ever gotten in a short period of time. The administor at Protege was extremely nice and welcoming. This was the longest I think I've ever spent in a salon or a salon related building. Regardless of tuition cost (which would be painful no matter what you do after high school) I'm probably going there after ELHS. It looks like way too much fun, it wouldn't even feel like work or school it'd just be getting up to do something fun and creative everyday. It's a super relaxed enviorment and they have a great orginization system so you easily track how far you are in the education and what you need to complete before taking your test. Which is surprisingly only 35 dollars to pay for your licence and the same price every two years when you need to renew it. It's nice to feel like I have some sort of a plan for once. Goals, even such distant but not ones are comforting in a way. At least Helina and I are going to figure out some dates for band practice which will distract us from our dreary dismal schooling. It's been so long since we've had a band practice of any way shape or form and my guitars are itching to be played. It sucks how little creativity and time I've had for music lately, perhaps passion shouldn't be ignored?

Apparently slasher films are still good when you almost passed out the same day cause Laura was over thursday and probably about 6 hours after both my Dad and I gave blood we decided to watch SAW's 6 and then one to compare the differences between the two and see how the movies have grown. The difference is really quite amazing. You never notice it until watching the first and last back to back like that since the change was so steady over the "thousands" of the saw movies. I guess watching other people lose all of their blood makes you realize that one pint, really isnt all that much compared to ten. And an iv truly is better than sticking your hand into a tiny hole with a rotary saw inside. Thank god serial killers don't run charity events. :)