Spring break was great fun... But It's kinda bittersweet trying to enjoy my time tonight knowing I have to go back to the hell hole tomorrow. I'll probably just lose track of time like always and go to bed so late that I won't even feel like I'm there tomorrow haha. Fortunately I accomplished a few things that I had wanted to do over break. Like reading some really good books and getting to write a little bit. I met with a couple counselors from LCC and Protege academy. The guy from LCC gave me about a novel worth of boring papers to read over. Joy. It's' the most intimidating stack of pamphelets I've ever gotten in a short period of time. The administor at Protege was extremely nice and welcoming. This was the longest I think I've ever spent in a salon or a salon related building. Regardless of tuition cost (which would be painful no matter what you do after high school) I'm probably going there after ELHS. It looks like way too much fun, it wouldn't even feel like work or school it'd just be getting up to do something fun and creative everyday. It's a super relaxed enviorment and they have a great orginization system so you easily track how far you are in the education and what you need to complete before taking your test. Which is surprisingly only 35 dollars to pay for your licence and the same price every two years when you need to renew it. It's nice to feel like I have some sort of a plan for once. Goals, even such distant but not ones are comforting in a way. At least Helina and I are going to figure out some dates for band practice which will distract us from our dreary dismal schooling. It's been so long since we've had a band practice of any way shape or form and my guitars are itching to be played. It sucks how little creativity and time I've had for music lately, perhaps passion shouldn't be ignored?
Apparently slasher films are still good when you almost passed out the same day cause Laura was over thursday and probably about 6 hours after both my Dad and I gave blood we decided to watch SAW's 6 and then one to compare the differences between the two and see how the movies have grown. The difference is really quite amazing. You never notice it until watching the first and last back to back like that since the change was so steady over the "thousands" of the saw movies. I guess watching other people lose all of their blood makes you realize that one pint, really isnt all that much compared to ten. And an iv truly is better than sticking your hand into a tiny hole with a rotary saw inside. Thank god serial killers don't run charity events. :)
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