Friday, July 24, 2009

{Can you belive that they make pineapple and coconut chapstick?! Had to buy me some}

I am finally visiting my sister. Again. :) We're gonna watch a movie and play a few games of rummy our family style. Tomorrow is a big anual party with our parents friends and I'm super excited to go and socialize with some second family and listen to music. It'll be hard though because it's usually a huge meat fest and I'm a new vegetarian. Also I took my segment one drivers test today.... and passed! YAY!!!! but unfortunatly I have to wait until monday before I can go to the secretary of state and get my permit because they suck and are all closed untill then. So lame. I was very nervous that I was gonna fail to I'm soooo relieved to have passed. Mr. Humphrey our teacher is so weird. He gave us all these new testament bibles in disguise and he signed them. Thought he was joking at first but nope, he actually signed the freaking things. Also hopefully Laura can come over on sunday to sleep over. She said she's making this really amazing thing and I'm super excited to see it. Knowing laura it won't be dissapointing. It's been so long since she's been over to my house that this visit is long overdue. We're gonna be really girly, I'm gonna give her a french manicure, we'll probably make some cupcakes like we do and watch a walk to remember. Such a good movie. I can't wait to see her, ily Laura.

So some things I'm trying to work on for the rest of summer and this year/the rest of my life. we'll see ;)

Excersize -I hate running but it's so good for you so i'm doing that and some daily dumbells.

Learn more spanish -my grandmother is mexican and doesn't know much english so I'd like a chance to get to know her better. Plus it's just a general good thing to know how to do living in america.

Write -I really need to start writing more songs. Almost done with number one. So sad that I haven't written a song yet.

Well I'm gonna finish watching this movie...
Blog later :) -Athena

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