Thursday, August 20, 2009

{(Adore part 2)} It's just a whore hoard.

I was so busy writing that super long post I didn't write the next chapter in Laura's secret life... It would have made the last post extra ridiculous anyway. So here goes... What will happen to Laura in chapter 2?

She carefully unfolded the small paper. The excitement was rising. Anyone would expect it to be a number. So was she so wrong for thinking so? Her fingers shook a little, slowly peeling back the last fold wanting to see his carefully written numbers on it. Maybe a nice little call me or something guys tend to do. Her face dropped. The disappointment was almost unbearable. Instead of the wonderful numbers that SHOULD be written upon the paper, were just too inadequate words.

Hope to see you soon.

Who would write that? That's pretty much the worst thing that could be on there. Hope to see you soon? Well maybe, that would be a tad bit easier if I had your number... Ugh, how frustrating. Well, maybe this wonderful person just wasn't mean to be in my life. I could feel my purse vibrating from my phone. It pulled me out of a contemplative daze. Oh shoot. I forgot to call Steafene telling her that I was going to be late. Hopefully she would understand. In fact she would probably be so ecstatic about my day so far that she wouldn't even notice that I was late for our outing.

"Where are you?!" Steafene screamed into the phone, clearly over stimulated by the fun she was surrounded by. I instinctively jerked my head a couple inches away from my ear and that much further from my precious ear drum.

"I... Got held up. I have something to tell you later, but it didn't exactly end the way I had planned." I almost regretted telling her. She might just flip out and try to get more information that there really was.

"Sweet! I have super excited news also. But you gotta wait till tonight to find that out." Hmm. Something about her and William? Who knows, always something.

"Ok, well you need to get your little blond but over here. I just started making the veggie burgers and we're about to grill them. You're missing out on the fun."

"Alright, I'm on my way, save a garden burger for me will you?"

"Sure thing. See ya."


She hastily hung up the phone and I threw it back into my bag. I hurried out of the Starbucks and started walking home. I was so deep in thought that the hustle and bustle of Chicago left me unphased. My mind went of in a tangent of beautiful daydreams as my feet carried the rest of me in the direction they had memorized so well. Before I could completely end my thoughts I could start hearing loud music and loud talking. I didn't even bother going through the front door and just walked to the wooden fence on the left hand side of the house. I lifted up the black metal latch and pushed my way through. The sounds grew louder and now I could hear the movement of water. I walked at a comfortable pace through the grass and garden of my back yard headed for the pool.

"Hey, Laura's finally home!" I was greeted warmly by about ten friends.

"Hey guys, sorry I was late. I got held up at the Starbucks."

I spotted Steafene. She walked over from the grill and gave me a hug.

"So on the phone.... you mentioned you had something to share about exactly why you spent forever getting your soy whatever."

Ugh, I kinda hoped she had forgotten.

"Well, it was... this guy. Our drinks got mixed up because he ordered just about the exact thing. I had forgotten my wallet at home and so he was really nice and paid for my drink. But he wouldn't let me leave and wanted me to sit with him for a while. He was really cute so I wasn't really that opposed to it."

"That.... is awesome!" She reacted just about how I expected. Too excited to be mad.

"Yeah, all I know is his name though... It's Josh. He gave me this piece of paper but nothing really exciting. Just very curious." I handed her the piece of paper with Josh's neat hand writing on it. I watched her face turn from excited to inquisitive.

"I don't understand why he didn't give you his number or anything like that though. It seems really odd."

"I know, I wasn't really expecting that and I'm probably not going to see him again. He was a musician on tour so let's not make a big deal out of it."

"Wait! Are you talking about Josh Farro?? You seriously had coffee with freaking Josh Farro?"

"Y-yeah. How'd you figure that out!?" She caught me by surprise with her accurate assumption.

"Well, because they're in Chicago right now. More importantly, why are you not freaking out?!? He hopes to see you.......soon."

"Well, I didn't want to get over excited. Like I said, they're touring and I have no way of contacting him." It made myself a little sad. This dream of a reality was finally hitting me. Why didn't I just ask for a number or an e-mail or something.

"How can you be so sure that you're not going to see him again?"

"What am I supposed to do, stalk him at a paramore show and try to explain to the bouncers how I had coffee with him one day and I need to talk to him? Not going to happen."

She just sighed and half chuckled. She was acting a little funny. Then I remembered.

"You said that you had news to tell me as well?"

"That, my dear you will have to wait for tonight to find out about." She winked at me. At least I knew it couldn't be bad. She wouldn't wait to give us all bad news at the show tonight. It'd be pointless. I started to get a little anxious. Who knows what she has planned up her sleeves this time."

"....So I had to just tell her, look babe. It doesn't know the difference between sex time and next time. You can't just do that to me." I could hear our friend William saying to a group of guy friends perched on the mahogany banisters of the porch next to the pool.

"Oh.... my god. He thinks just because he made up a clever little rhyme that he can tell stupid stories like that. Maybe we should go try and keep the guys in order a bit?" Suggested Steafene with a bit of an aggravated look upon her face.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." I said trying not to laugh really hard at Bill spilling unwanted facts about his love life.

We sat around for a couple hours talking about random things, making fun of Steafene and William. Swimming in the pool was so much fun and it was really relaxing. Soaking up the last few rays that would exist befor the cold season of norther america hit. Not after long someone announced that it was time to head to the show. Everyone dispersed to do their own thing. The guys of course were ready about as soon as they changed out of their bathing suits while Steafene, her sister and I fought over who would be the first to take a shower. Eventually everything was settled and in a surprisingly short amount of time we were allmost ready to go. The boys bitched at us form the living room.

"We're going to be late because you ladies can't decide what fucking colour to put on your eyes."

"We're not going to be late. Steafene was starting to get upset from the ongoing distractions. Besides, it doesn't even matter if you guys are late or not. One, you're not even paying to go to the show and two, I don't want a reputation of going on stage looking like shit. So let me take an extra five minutes on my hair and makeup and we'll go. We'll let Brianna drive and I promiss you we'll be there on time."

"She's right you know, I've been driving like a maniac since before were born Will." Brianna piped in amused by the battle of the sexes argument.

"I'm the same age as you." Bill said defensively.

Sure enough, Brianna drove us like a maniac through the steets of downtown Chicago and got us to the venue alive thank God. We made it well enough in time for sound check. The headliner band already ran through sound check by the time we got there and Bill's band and Steafene's band ran through their set lists and got all their tuning out of the way. The kids started pouring in and finding the spots that they wanted and talking to the bands. Bill and Steafene's tour manager Dave called for them to go back stage. normally we go back with them but Steafene wouldn't allow it. Apparently it ruined the surprise she had in line. Our three other roomates and I stood in the back of the crowd by the bar to allow the fans better spots. Steafene's band was first, they're still pretty new so there were only about 6 people singing to the songs but by the end of the set everyone seemed to be having fun. We got our nightly shoutout and she introduced the academy is... onto the stage.

"And this is my boyfriend so back off ladies!" She said jokingly but you could tell she was mostly being serious.

They played their set and almost everybody sang along to the songs. Steafene and her bandmates came to the back to join us.

"I'm so excited for you to see!" She wouldn't stop smirking. I was actually getting really excited. TAI ended their set and everyone screamed like crazy.

"Alright, well brace yourself..."She hurried off back to the stage and hopped on.

"Thank you guys. And now we have a very special surprise for you. Are you guys ready?"

More screams

Both Mikes of TAI started playing Misery Business by paramore. Was this seriously it? Like a paramore cover is awesome but I don't think it was worth all the hype.

Everyone cheered and danced along to the music. I looked down to check the time on my phone and the crowd exploded in a cacophany. I looked up and Josh Farro was standing on stage. Playing the solo with all of my friends. Then out of no where Hayley Williams popped out on stage and she and Steafene shared the mic blaring their country vocals. They were harmonizing..... THEY PLANNED THIS!!! This was very worthy of the surprise. I was so overcome with excitment that I couldn't help but cheer with everyone else. They ended the song with a punch and everyone went absolutely nuts.

"Josh and Hayley from Paramore everyone." said Steafene waving her arm at the two musicians. Screaming.

"What do you guys think of the surprise eh? One hell of an encore if I do say myself." Bill egged on the crowd. "Our friends from fueled by ramen informed us that they had a day off their tour and we invited them out to give you guys a little extra something to smile about. So you guys were great tonight and I hope that you come and say hi."

Everyone on stage began to depart. A few of the musicians left. But Bill, the butcher, sisky, Steaf, Hayley and Josh stayed behind to meet fans and sign a few autographs. Josh eventually made his way over to me. I had no idea what to say.

"Well well. Miss soy, we meet again."

"Indeed. It's a wonder though considering you left me no way of contacting you."

"Bitter just like the coffee that brought us together. It's cause I knew we were playing this show. Steafene's told me about you."

He smirked and I shot a look at her. She glared at josh and shook her head then turned back to talk with bill and keep his fan girl a good distance away from him.

"So... It sounds like She hasn't really fully informed you on what's up huh?"

"Clearly. Wait.... hasn't? What else is there?"

"I supose I'm really not suppsed to tell you but... She and William offered us a place to sleep. You all live together?"

"Um yeah, you're, staying with us tonight?"

"Well actually a few nights. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, really it's just I'm more worried about the sleeping arrangements than anything else."

2:00 am that night

They ended up sleeping in our livng room. Josh on the floor and Hayley on the sofa. Now my mind really couldn't sort out all the thoughts. I had said goodnight to Steafene and bill and promissed Her that I would talk with her about her secrets but amazing decisions in the morning. I left their room and could hear Josh and Hayley talking, half asleep. I decided not to bother them and decided to just go lay down. I was drifting into a deep sleep and dreams started to flood my mind. I was sharply pulled to reality when I heard my doorknob turning... the door opened and I heard two soft footsteps on my carpet.


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