Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fast Times at Brianna's house...

Talking with Laura on aim about live chats and such. So Laura came over to spend the night at Brianna's house last night since I had to babysit once more. No matter where we are we have fun. We watched the Final Riot! and tried to ignore my really drunk and high sisters singing very loudly to the songs that we waited about 3-4 hours to hear. Either way it was awesome, I've been meaning for Laura to watch it cause now that we've FINALLY seen them live it's so much more amazing to watch the dvd. And plus she's a bit infatuated with a certain guitarist.... And now that she gave me the link... operation make laura faint is in full speed.

Haha, you're never gonna stop seeing this photo... and others. Anyway... So David Dalen being the ham that he is.... Was doing a live chat while Laura was over and we watched it cause we were bored. Anyway. I decided to repeatedly call him on *67 because like I said, we were bored. So it just proved that you really don't have to do anything to be famous. I wondered why so many people cared about him when I know him and he's really not like the most fantastic person on the face of the planet. He's cool, but not as cool as jesus. Anyway, he put my phone number up on his screen thinking he was being cool and "getting me back" But I love talking to people and his point was to piss me off which it didn't so..... People kept calling me and texting me, and they agree that david is in a freaking glass closet and that even though I dooo sorta sound like I had a sex change (thanks you very much Hazel) that I don't suck and I have a life. According to David I don't. All he did that day was surf and apparently my hanging out with friends all day, babysitting, and band practice isn't fullfilling. Oh and I have no friends. Just recapping to show you guys how little he knows. So Laura and I decided that we are going to have a live chat next time I'm at her house because we're more entertaining than him. We're going to steal his fans, have ppl call and annoy him and it's gonna be super fun. We need ideas though for what to do. All we have so far is that, and I'm gonna be "sex change" Steafene. Wow, my parents suck, I just spelled my own name wrong. hahha.

One of my best friends Lena moved to Florida just recently. This not only sucks for the obvious, but her Hilena and I started a band last year and haven't really gotten a chance to really do anything with it. But the connection that I have with Hilena is nothing like what happens when we all get together. I was reminded because she was able to come back into town for a couple of days for her cousins wedding. So of course she called the both of us and we went to our usual spots downtown and played music and caught up. It was hard having to say goodbye again but it was completely worth it. She brought her new guitar which I love. Not sure what model it was but it was a really nice brand new epiphone. Anyway, we had so much fun downtown. She showed us her new song she's been working on and like always it's amazing. She has a real talent for writing songs. No joke. I'm excited to see what she does with the future and hopefully she finds some great people to play with where she lives. I'm sad that my musical sole mates can't stay together, but it's a musical break up I guess. Plenty more pickups in the guitar store? Bad analogy. Oh, and they're a bit shy, and when we went to taco bell Hilena kept pointing out this guy that was rather attractive. And that's all she did. So I asked him if he wanted to sit with us because he looked VERY alone. He said yes because he turned out to be a really friendly guy, but I don't know if it was more fun meeting him or watching their faces go from "awe cute" to "HOLY SHIT! I have nothing to say." Very funny, they almost forgot to introduce themselves. I think that Lena died when he won her a free burrito. Haha. Good times. But were really stupid, we should've invited him to a show or something cause now.... we're never going to see pre med school student Carmen? or whatever his name was. We'll deal even though he was the epitome of hot.

So when Laura was over we stayed up till almost dawn like always but we slept in Carly's room. I was just talking about how freaky things happen to me in the hour of 3 am, and Like maybe 20 minutes past the window treatments in her room moved like a whole bunch and then her door opened. We both were like... uh, we'll say that the window is probably open and that the door wasn't fully closed. But we both knew it wasn't and in the morning we saw that the window was securly shut. WTF??? So freaky. Way to prove me right ghosts. I'm sorry if I freaked you out really bad too Carly by telling you that. I forget that you kinda get scared easily. If it makes you feel better you can just go with my dad's theory that really doesn't make sense cause he's a skeptic.... Ok, I'm about to rant about nothing even more so than already and sound like David so I'm gonna finally try and finish some more of Laura's story which I'm failing at.

Does this make anyone else heartbroken? If the answer is yes it's about to get worse. We all know Shaant is a complete and total arse. And a bit of an alcoholic from time to time.... or all the time. But for some reason we still love him. Seriously. But because of these facts, Cute is what we aim for has finally broken up. It was obviously coming from all the arguments and band member changes. But it still hurts. I'm so glad that Laura and I got to go see them at the small planet now. I will forever love you CIWWAF and I hope that all the members do well for themselves, Jeff, do good in college and Shaant, quit drinking.


  1. 1. That picture is going to haunt me all over the place isn't it?
    2. grrrr at shaant
    3. you're a blog whore... i love you :]
    4. keep writing or i'll cry, alright?


  2. A blog whore? I think that's an understatement. I'm starting to get too lengthy with posts and have to struggle to keep it to 12000 words.

  3. Haha, yeah, you're a born blogger i guess ;)

  4. Maybe that's why I could never keep diaries as a kid. I hadn't found my "calling"
