Monday, August 31, 2009

{(Reunited with Tucker.... I'm glad he still loves me.)}

Great. Laura and I are already talking about prom and now it won't get off of my mind. Why, would we do this to ourselves. Girls suuuuuuuuck. Anywayyy. Just got back from my sisters again. I've almost spent about a week there. Just stayed an extra day so I could babysit Kaden for an hour and because we went out to eat at a place called Emo's for my grandma's birthday. :) very tasty. Although they decided to give me steak instead of tofu. Silly people, I'm a vegetarian. Steak is meat. Over the weekend Laura my family and I stayed at my grandparents lakehouse. Even though the weahter was really rainy and was pretty cold for august we still had a buncy of fun. Laura and I have a new thing to add to our list of sleeping a different place everytime she sleeps over. Besides the obvious at the lake house, we slept on a trampoline. Wait, not done. It was a water trampoline... Hold on, not only was it a trampoline in the middle of a lake, it was also 2am in the morning and about 56 degrees. We cray cray. We took way too many videos of course as well as photos. We act like we're famous and people care what we're doing, but the truth is that no one really cares. So riddle me this. What becomes of 1,000's of photos and videos by two girls no one knows. The answer is nothing. I'm deciding not to rant about fame and nobodies. It'll be neverending like the stories. Yepp, it's a refference. So school starts in 7 days. Really really, not ready to go back. Physically or emotionally. I decided to try and get a job in the winter and a few weeks in the begining of summer to get some mulah. That way I can get my grades to all A's and B's so that when I work I won't fail my ass out of High School. What What! Oh my, almost forgot to tell you I had really perplexing dreams last night. Like freaking always, I was at a paramore concert with Laura. And they fucking hated me. Like pure hate. Well actually just Hayley and Jeremy hated me.

It kinda started with Laura and I way in back, just like at the actual concert but it was at the small planet. Can't see anything and trying to take way too many pictures and videos... Then a whole bunch of people cleared out. I have no idea why but they did. So of course We ran straight up to the front. Then Hayley was like, "Steafene, why are you up here?" And some dude pushed me, so I pushed him back really hard and yelled at him a bit. Then she turned to me and was all pissy and was telling me not to push people and even though he was a douche too I didn't need to be a bitch. She rolled her eyes and then said something to Josh and they started playing Misery Business. So then I lifted up my camera to take a couple photos but she looked at me and pointed to my camera and shook her head. So I agreed not wanting to further piss her off. She never came over to our side of the stage after that. Then we moved to stage left in front of Josh even though he usually plays on stage right... Zac was really really close to the edge of the stage and it was his 14 yr old version. So we chilled watching him for a bit and ignored Hayley's hate. Then Josh randomly lit a cigarette and was blowing the smoke in everone's faces. For some reason I found it really really attractive. For some reason I guess I couldn't talk that much, so I pointed to his cigarette and then to my mouth cause I wanted it. Again, idky. Anyway, he looked at me and was like, "What are you looking for?" Then he go superdy duper close and I could hear his voice, very clearly. I feel like I actually spoke to him. Next thing, he was shoving his lip ring in my face with his eyes closed. Even in my dreams I contemplate things. Lol. I was just gonna kiss his cheek and be polite and not a band slut but I full out kissed him instead... for a while... And after I saw Hayley staring at me with her mouth open and you could tell she was pissed. That made me sad, but oh well..... And even in my sleep I was thinkin, man. Wait till I tell Laura. Apparently she wasn't next to me anymore I guess. Weird eh?

So, this week I'm going shopping with my mommy on her day off work. Gonna get some hair dye cause I know what I'm doing with my hair now finally. Also, I really need a bunch of school stuff. Mainly the essentials like some pencils, and a backpack lol. Maybe we can stop at the better health store as well, get some tofu and some marshmallows without geletin to make some of my beloved fondant. I'm excited to make a really pretty cake. It's so easy to make. :) Ok, well I've got to go day dream. Blog later :))

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