Tuesday, August 25, 2009

@fandamntabulous yepp, i'm on twitter :)

So idk, but I don't really feel that good right now. So I'm looking through some photos of William Beckett which I haven't done for a year or so. I've found some really really cute ones like.....

this one for example... He has the best puppy dog eyes I have ever seen. It's something I can't resist. Oops I guess I shouldn't tell you but oh well. LOOKIT! It just makes me wanna.... Hug him and never let go. Haha, see I feel better now. You wanna know what he's looking at? Or at least my theory. He's on the internet, and he found a pair of long skinny jeans 5 sizes too small for him, but he doesn't have enough money to get them :(

Today has been mucho weird. So it started me going to Brianna's early in the morning like always. I'm over because she was nice enough to take me to a baseball game. <3 So there was this really cute guy there that was alone. Basically Taco Bell all over again. But for some reason I was super nervous just even thinking about talking to this guy. Like, really bad. It was weird cause I usually don't have trouble speaking with people. No matter their level of attractiveness. Laura encouraged me to being the nice friend she was but whatever. I was nervous, give me a break. I guess that because I annoy so many people by being "confident" or whatever you wanna say, I need some days to be super nervous so that it levels itself out? Anyway, Laura texted me a while later after that saying that Hayley Williams had posted her number on twitter. My hands really started shaking. oh well. And evertime Laura texted me my heart skipped a beat, because of course I texted the number almost right away. So kids, sometimes in life, no matter how hard you want something to be true, and no matter how hard you belive it to be, it just plain isn't true... Crazy Star Wars fans I'm looking at you. Obviously it wasn't her number. She thought that she was playing a prank on her friend that worked at a plumbing store or whatever. But really, she just broke a little girls heart. ouch. So that's why I ended up looking at like 300 pictures of William Beckett. No lie. It sincerely helps. :)

Ok more happy thoughts....

Oh, my.... Really happy thoughts. So yeah.

Now that I'm done staring. Things to look forward to:

1.) amazing dreams thanks to ----->

2.) sleep. yum.

3.) Get to see people thursday, for a horrible reason but whatever. positive.

4.) Laura and I are about to go on vacation with Brianna and Carly to my grandparents lakehouse and it's going to be amazingly fun. :) Night.

Alright, there should be a part about my baseball game, I'll just explain later it doesn't wanna let me post it :(

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