Wednesday, August 19, 2009

{(When repetitions ends, we'll star over)}

So since all my day consisted of really was cleaning and listening to music, I don't have much to write about. So Instead Laura and I were talking about how we're obsessed with writing stories. Problem is we never seem to finish them. Anyway, I'm making Laura her very own story as of today and I'll try to write it in chapters. It's gonna be a paramore fan fic obviously.

pt 1.
She pushed a lock of bright blond hair out of her eyes. Growing impatient from the never ending line of customers she exhaled. Slowly, person by person was cleared out of the Starbucks. She walked up to the cashier.
"Hi, how may I help you today?"
She hoped that this bubbly teenage girl would be able to take such a complicated order. According to her name tag it was her first day of work.
"Hi, I'd like a grande double pump vanilla single soy iced white chocolate mocha with whip and caramel sauce please."
"A, a what?"
She exhaled again preparing to rattle off the order once more. This happened often, but the coffee was well worth the confusion.
"A grande double pump vanilla single soy iced white chocolate mocha with whip cream and caramel sauce." She said making sure to carefully say each worth clear and audible.
She sat down at a nearby table and waited for her name to be called.
She gave an nod at the worker letting her know it was her coffee. She went up to the counter and looked down, but the coffee was missing the whip cream. She didn't want to be a bother so she was about to let it be since they were so busy today. But before she could begin to look for her wallet she heard someone speaking.
"I believe that we may have each other's coffee."
She spun around to see a tall handsome man behind her holding her coffee.
"I heard you ordering and we got the same thing only mine came without whip cream."
He smiled at her with a devilish smirk.
She really couldn't think of anything to say. She was so awe struck.
Coming hard back down to reality she remembered her human ability and spoke.
"Oh, here..."
She handed the coffee to the stranger.
Unbelievable, someone else really ordered this coffee? How is that possible, it's so specific?
"That'll be $3.75. Miss."
She whirled back around and remembered that she hadn't paid yet.
"OH! right."
She dug around in her bag for her wallet but to her surprise it wasn't there. She double checked everything. Frantically checking her pockets and looking back at the table she had sat at.
"Um... I think that I left it at home..."
"Did you now?" said the man.
He handed the girl a ten dollar bill.
"I'll be handling the check then." his voice was smooth.
"Oh, really you don't have to..."
"No it's alright. Besides there's a catch. You don't think that I'm about to just pay for you drink and let you be on your way do you?"
"Well I..."
"Right, so where are we going to sit?"
He scanned the room for an empty table. She wondered if she should amuse him or not. He walked over to a small table with two seats next to a window that outlooked a flower bed.
"Well...? I did buy you a drink first." he chuckled amused at his small joke.
She reluctantly walked away from the counter and headed towards the table. He did buy her coffee, she could at least talk to him for a few minutes. Plus he was absolutely gorgeous.
They sat in silence for a few moments gently sipping their coffee. She was contemplating just up and leaving but she couldn't get enough of staring at him while he thought of something to say. Each second that went by she noticed something else about him that struck something in her. It could've been his deep chocolate hair, or the olive tone to his skin or maybe a combination of both, but she struggled to tear her eyes from his body.
"So um, I couldn't help but notice you have a bit of an accent?" he implied she should elaborate on this fact.
"Yeah, I'm actually from London. My family moved here about 6 years ago."
"That's really cool. My band have toured in the UK, it's really one of my favourite spots."
(He's in a band too??)
"Yeah? What kinda band are you in?"
"We're called Paramore, ever heard of us?"
"Hah! you have no idea, my friend Steafene is obsessed with your band. I bet she'd flip if she knew where I was right now."
"Oh, so are you a fan too?" she could hear a slight of regret in his voice. His dark puppy dog eyes looked expecting.
"Well, I wouldn't call myself a super fan, but I do enjoy the music. In fact, I went to a concert with her once back in high school."
He almost looked relieved.
"So what instrument do you play?" She was becoming much more interested now.
"I play guitar and do some backup singing."
"That's cool. I try and play a little guitar here and there but I don't tend to sing that often." I laughed at the memories of my friend Steafene begging me to sing for her.
"SWEET! I could..." He was cut off by a loud ringing. He dug into his pocket and pulled out an iphone. He apologized for cutting into the conversation and answered his phone.
"Hello? yeah, I'm at the Starbucks. SORRY! I lost track of time. I'm on my way!"
He quickly put his phone back into his jeans and stood up.
"I'm sorry, we'll have to end this a little prematurely. I'm late for bus call and my band kinda freaked out. But I had fun talking with you....."
"Laura." She said.
"...Laura. I'm Josh. It was nice meeting you." He smiled and shook her hand. The touch made her shiver. She had barely just met him but she wanted more.
"It was nice meeting you too Josh."
It was upsetting to watch him walk out of the store, turn a corner and disappear out of sight. After a few moments of trying to grasps what had just happened, she noticed something different. There was a small piece of paper in her hand. Josh had slipped it to her so slyly she hadn't noticed.
The excitement rose as she opened the tiny folded paper to see what was written."
So that was part one. Not too interesting yet, but I'm not the best writer lol. So, stay tuned for part two of adore.


  1. Laura's reaction PRE-read: mmmm yummy

  2. Laura's POST-READ REACTION: OMG! gaaahhh! I LOVE ITT! I have a million butterflies >_<
    It's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *melts* *dies*

  3. It's so amature though. I can't even spell amatuer right.
